Just what we expected...

Brianne had a count check yesterday morning. Just as we expected, her counts took a huge drop. We were surprised that her hemoglobin was SO low, because she has a ton of energy. Her hemoglobin was 6.5, they transfuse under 8. Her platelets went from 100,000 of Friday to 19,000 yesterday, they transfuse under 20,000. Needless to say, we had a very long day at the clinic and POTC yesterday so Brianne could get both platelets and red blood cells. We were there from 10:30 until 6:00. Receiving two units in one day (1 platelet, 1 red cell) is a lot of volume for a little body to handle, so it raised Brianne's blood pressure. Right before we left to go home she was given Lasix, which helps remove excess fluids from the body. It works really fast. We didn't make it out of the parking lot before Bri needed to use the bathroom. We stopped before making it a block from the hospital, and then we had to stop again about 10 miles later. 
Waiting for platelets and blood to arrive 
Brianne is also neutropenic. Her ANC dropped to 400 so she is at high risk for infection. She is not happy about this because she wanted to go to another purple carpet premier this week. We told her as long as she is up for it we can go to the Hope Kids shopping event at Moonbeams on Saturday so she can get her special dress. Unfortunately she will have to wear a mask.
Other than a few tummy aches Brianne has been feeling great. She does have a sore in the back of her mouth that has been bothering her and has also developed a large sore on her gums where she accidentally got hit by the iPad. We can't complain, for this being the hardest phase of treatment she is doing great. She has two more doses of oral chemo and then she has two weeks off to let her counts recover before starting her next round.
Brianne will have another count check on Friday to make sure she is good for the weekend. Platelets are only good for a few days, so until her body starts making her own again she may need several transfusions. Thank you again to all who have donated or tried to donate blood :).
Playing with the chemo spill kit after her last home injection of Ara-C.


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